Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – weeks 33 & 34 update

I’m back for another update to my $200 savings challenge. I missed last week’s post, so to make up for it, this’ll be a two for one kind of deal. Not posting last week was a bit disappointing, as it was the first time I’ve missed a post since I started this blog and myContinue reading “Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – weeks 33 & 34 update”

Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – week 32 update

Welcome to week 32 of my $200 savings challenge and for once I’m not outrageously late with my update. To be fair, I’m not exactly on time either, but definitely better than last week. Progress… For those unfamiliar with this blog, here’s a quick summary. The goal of this challenge is to save an extraContinue reading “Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – week 32 update”

Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – saving on coffee in week 31

Welcome to another instalment of my $200 savings challenge. Yes, it’s that time of the week where I apologise for being tardy with my post and then get on with updating you all on how I’ve gone with the challenge this week. You’d think being in lockdown would mean I have all the time inContinue reading “Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – saving on coffee in week 31”

Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – big changes in week 30

It’s week 30 of my $200 savings challenge. I know I say this pretty much every week, but I really can’t believe how quickly time is flying by. Being stuck in lockdown for the last nine weeks or so definitely doesn’t help with this. It’s funny, you’d think being in lockdown would make the weeksContinue reading “Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – big changes in week 30”

Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – topping up the emergency fund in week 29

Hello and welcome to my weekly update on my $200 savings challenge. I’m a bit behind with this post, but better late then never I guess. Things have been pretty busy for me on the work front and I just haven’t had the time or energy for blogging. But I have a bit of clearContinue reading “Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – topping up the emergency fund in week 29”

Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – week 28 update

Welcome to another instalment of my $200 savings challenge. The goal here is to save an extra $200 a week through earning more or spending less. For those keeping tabs, or just reading the title, it’s week 28 of the challenge which is absolutely amazing to me. What’s not so amazing is it’s now alsoContinue reading “Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – week 28 update”

Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – New coffee machine in week 27

Once again it’s time for my weekly update on how I’m going with my savings challenge. Yes, once again I’m a bit late with this post… As you know, my goal is to save an extra $200 a week either through earning more or spending less. Last week marked six months since I began thisContinue reading “Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – New coffee machine in week 27”

Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – Six month round up

It’s week 26! It doesn’t seem real that I’m already six months into my $200 savings challenge, but here we are. What started as a motivational tool to help me clean up my spending habits and give my savings a bit of a boost, has turned into something I can genuinely say has had aContinue reading “Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – Six month round up”

Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – week 25

Hello and welcome back to my savings challenge series. I cannot quite believe it’s week 25 already. Time seems to have both flown and crawled by this year. I feel like I’m experiencing my own version of Groundhog Day because we’re still in lockdown, which amongst other things means this update will be fairly similarContinue reading “Side Hustle Stories: Challenging myself to save an extra $200 – week 25”

5 ways to keep job ready in lockdown

I recently wrote about the things I was doing to survive the most recent round of lockdowns gripping Australia (you can check out here). In that post, I spoke about how I was keeping busy and keeping motivated to roll out of bed everyday. I also briefly touched on things you could do at homeContinue reading “5 ways to keep job ready in lockdown”

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